Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gas powered rc cars

Gas powered rc cars are among the most powerful, exciting and quickest of all the radio controlled cars. Gas rc cars are intended to run on gas mixture that is referred to as "nitro" or "glow fuel" which brings a degree of style and operation that the bulk of rc cars and trucks cannot "hold a candle to."

It is essential to shop carefully as there are two different types rc cars - kits and rtr or "ready to run". Purchasing rtr rc cars will most likely allow the car or truck to be taken out of the box and on the track in no time. Loads of gas powered rc car enthusiasts get pleasure from building their own which provides a great sense of accomplishment. It may be a beneficial plan to acquire some skill and experience by using rtr gas rc cars first, then after gathering a basic knowledge of the different components build one yourself.

The engine is an essential element in determining the speed and performance of the vehicle. There are a variety of gas engines offered but most of the time they will come loaded with whats called "glow engines". The glow engine is essentially a two cycle internal combustion engine able to offer the control and speed that makes the difference in winning or losing in the world of rc car racing.

The kind of fuel used is a fundamental component in the performance of the vehicle. It is imperative to use only the fuel recommended by the manufacturer. The manufacturer's individually designed fuel mixtures are engineered for providing the power and speed necessary and at the same time shielding critical engine workings from breakdown.

Another essential element is the radio as rc cars use the identical two channel radio system used by all rc cars. If purchasing a rtr or "ready to run" kit, the radio should be included but buying a "build it yourself" kit the radio usually is needed to be supplied seperately. Whichever approach you choose keeping extra batteries and an AC charger on hand is essential. Additional battery packs charged and ready will enable the runinng of the gas rc cars for longer periods of time for uninterrupted fun.